How to scan sheet music and black and white text to keep the resulting file small
Someone asked me to translate my czech article on scanning music notes or sheet music into English. So I hope it will help you a bit. 2023-11-17, id(2014), Obrázky, English, Programy a Počítače, Noty, ja(1), priorita(0),
2021-12-22, id(1926), English, Deutsch, PF, Autobiografie, ja(1), priorita(0),
 Jeroným Klimeš: Partners and Breakups
This book is an English translation of my very successful book on breakups. You can bought it at this address, see link. 2018-09-18, id(1625), Psychologie, Rozchody, Četba, English, Nadčasové, ja(1), priorita(0),
Trial relationships and sex before marriage among believers
This article is not only for religious people - How to set up our partnerships so we could avoid painful breakups later on. 2017-12-28, id(1616), Psychologie, Teologie, Rozchody, Četba, English, Nadčasové, ja(1), priorita(3),
Basic description of my PhD. thesisJeroným Klimeš: Partners and breakups
This is a short introduction into my Ph.D. thesis. I cannot imagine, whether it is understandable for an English speaker, but definitely better is to read my book Partners and breakups. 2017-08-06, id(1462), Psychologie, English, ja(1), priorita(0),
Jeroným Klimeš: Partners and Breakups (ebook)
An English translation of my first book on breakups, partnership divorces in PDF. 2017-04-16, id(1437), Psychologie, Rozchody, English, ja(1), priorita(5),
Intergenerational and Interpersonal Disaffiliation from a church
The majority of Czech populations lost its faith in multigenerational disaffiliation from Catholic church, but we can see sometimes that people lost their faith in a deep intrapersonal conflict. There is very little literature on this topic. (A translated part of my thesis.) 2014-12-30, id(1123), Psychologie, Teologie, English, ja(1), priorita(0),
Melinda Redinger - překlady do angličtiny
Pokud potřebujete přeložit něco do angličtiny mohu doporučit svou překladatelku, se kterou mám dobrou zkušenost. 2011-04-24, id(852), Ostatní, English, ja(2), priorita(0),
Jeroným Klimeš: Partners and Breakups
Annotation and short English example out of my book: Partners and Breakups. You can learn here more about first three stages of your breakup. 2010-06-11, id(775), Rozchody, English, ja(5), priorita(0),
Jeroným Klimeš: Josef Lada - launching a perfect probe into the life of a common man
A leaflet about excelent Czech painter - Josef Lada - and his world. The leaflet was translated into five languages and published on the occasion of his international exhibition in Brussels and many other towns and countries. 2009-06-23, id(690), Psychologie, Rodina, English, ja(1), priorita(1),
Jeroným Klimeš: Psychologist and his witness about Christ
My second book is devoted to psychology of Jesus. He was undoubltefully an adopted child so let's confront Gospels with psychology of step family care.
2008-01-01, id(679), Psychologie, Teologie, English, Autobiografie, ja(1), priorita(5),
Screening tests
Screening tests are suitable for any psychologist or social worker. Occasionally we meet people who seems to be neurologically ill. So in that cases is useful to run a short screening test before decision to send them to a nerologist. 2007-11-23, id(533), English, ja(1), priorita(0),
The Good King Wenceslas
The Good King Wenceslas (sv. Václav) is pride of our nation. Well known also by this old carol. 2004-01-28, id(198), Muzika, English, Koledy, ja(1), priorita(0),
Dreadful song about Golem
As I cannot assume that you know Golem, so few words: This is very awkward song of Voskovec & Werich, and Jaroslav Ježek with a lot of Jewish background (e.g. Shofer, old Prague legend). I translated that for my students as an illustration of multiethnic environment of Prague. 2003-09-10, id(182), Muzika, English, Noty, ja(1), priorita(0),
Was Pseudo-Thomas a child?
Apocryphal gospel of Pseudo-Thomas is a very controversial apocrypha, and was refused as heretical and spurious for its offensive and shocking depiction of Jesus? childhood. The reason for this might though be very simple: The author was a 10 years old boy! 2003-08-23, id(177), Psychologie, Teologie, English, ja(1), priorita(3),
Gaze distribution in commercial eye-tracking
This is a final paper for Visual systems lectures of prof. Wilson Geisler at Texas University in Austin. Mostly devoted to a question how to fit a set of gazes by exponential distribution.
2003-07-03, id(168), Psychologie, English, Reklama, Nadčasové, ja(1), priorita(2),
Evolutionary purpose of morality
This is a final paper for Evolutionary psychology lectures of prof. David Buss at Texas University in Austin. Mostly devoted to a question why morality has evolved.
2003-07-03, id(169), Psychologie, Teologie, English, ja(1), priorita(0),
The Role of Laws and Quality Psychological Testing in the Adoptions Procedure in the Czech Republic
Lenka Fořtová is a student of Anglo-American college in Prague. She wrote this work for one of her courses, and she exploited quite a lot of my work. I am so grateful to her, as I need not to translate it into English, when I want to give you an overview what was my dissertation about. 2003-05-12, id(160), Rodina, English, ja(2), priorita(0),
Wisconsin sorting card test
An Excel file for evaluation and administering of the Wisconsin sorting card test, and another file for computing the chronological age of an client. 2003-04-14, id(707), Psychologie, English, Testy a Hry, ja(1), priorita(0),
Reaction to an ambivalent object
Ambivalent object is everybody who we love and hate at the same time. The theory of a reaction to an ambivalent objects explains pair assymetry, say "the more he loved her the more she hated him", etc. Presentation covers three main parts of the theory: Preferencial curves, manipulations, and fantasy figures. 2003-02-07, id(145), Psychologie, English, Moje knihy, ja(1), priorita(0),
Eye-tracking research of commercials
I had a presentation of ways of eye-tracking research on commercials at University of Texas with explanation of coding, curves analysis, and time levels, which are necessary for success in such a research.
2003-01-31, id(144), English, Reklama, ja(5), priorita(1),
Who is who?
Who is who in the Oval office? Who is the president speaking with? Is Condi the best friend of him? Did the Chinese right to choose Hu as a leader of their country? Will Arafat object to eat rise? What has George got in his mug finally? Hard to say, but take a small hint. :-) 2002-11-21, id(139), English, ja(5), priorita(0),
Povodně - Anglické stránky s návody
Zajímavé anglicky psané články a instrukce do dělat před, při a po různých katastrofách. 2002-08-16, id(1270), Psychologie, English, ja(2), priorita(0),
Questionnaire of manipulative behavior
This questionnaire is a part of my thesis on reactions at an ambivalent object. Following questions rose from the hypothesis of this model, but I have found they are quite similar with so called Machiavellian score. For the comparison with it, I translated the all 37 questions of the Czech version.
2002-08-05, id(90), Psychologie, English, ja(1), priorita(0),
Reactions to an ambivalent object
The basic terms of the theory of reactions at an ambivalent object. 2002-06-10, id(71), Psychologie, English, ja(1), priorita(0),
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